Willapa Harbor Health and Rehab

Willapa Harbor Health and Rehab


Willapa Harbor Health and Rehab in Raymond, Washington is a warm and inviting healthcare facility. It is designed to provide compassionate and individualized care to each resident and patient. The facility offers a variety of services, from skilled nursing care to comprehensive rehabilitation and therapy programs.

Located in Raymond, Washington, Willapa Harbor Health and Rehab provides top-quality healthcare services to the community. This facility is a full-service health center, specializing in short and long-term nursing, rehabilitation, and respite care. The mission of Willapa Harbor Health and Rehab is to provide compassionate and quality care to individuals and their families through personalized service and innovative practices. They strive to create a supportive and comfortable environment for those who require medical care and rehabilitation. The facility offers a wide range of services, including physical and occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, medical social services, dietary counseling, and case management. They also provide specialized care for those with Alzheimer's and dementia, as well as individuals facing other chronic conditions. Willapa Harbor Health and Rehab help the community by providing access to quality healthcare services. They offer a team of experienced staff and professionals, who are dedicated to making sure each patient receives the highest level of care. The center also provides educational resources to the community, such as seminars, support groups, and outreach programs.


1100 Jackson Ave
Pacific County

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This facility is in Raymond, WA

Raymond, Washington, is an excellent place for healthcare workers seeking per diem employment! The city offers a small-town feel with a strong sense of community, while still providing access to the larger cities in the area. There are many opportunities for RNs, LPNs, CNAs and allied healthcare workers to gain experience and further their careers.

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